Project completed in 2023
Level: M.A.Sc.

Improve multidisciplinary BIM coordination with a rules-based collision avoidance system


In the context of Building Information Modeling (BIM), effective multidisciplinary coordination is vital to a project’s success. This research presents an innovative approach to enhancing BIM-based multidisciplinary coordination by implementing a rule-based system for collision avoidance. We stress the importance of dealing with collisions preventively, as they have a significant impact on project efficiency and cost.

This research focuses on collecting collision avoidance rules from seasoned industry professionals, drawing on their vast expertise. The rules-based system is then implemented in BIM authoring tools, promoting a proactive and dynamic approach to collision avoidance. By integrating real-world knowledge into the BIM environment, this system promises to reduce collisions, increase project efficiency and improve collaboration between multidisciplinary teams.

Project results

What sets this study apart is its focus on gathering conflict-avoidance rules directly from experienced industry professionals who possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Drawing on their in-depth knowledge, the study ensures that the rules-based system is enriched by the practical wisdom gained from years of hands-on experience. Once these valuable rules have been developed, they are seamlessly integrated into BIM authoring tools, enabling a proactive and adaptable approach to conflict prevention. This integration of real-world knowledge directly into the BIM environment acts as a bridge between theory and practice, offering a powerful solution for reducing conflicts. As a result, it not only streamlines project workflows, but also significantly improves overall efficiency.
By reducing clashes and conflicts, the rules-based system helps to minimize errors, facilitate collaboration between multidisciplinary teams and, above all, improve cost-effectiveness. The validation presented in the study consolidates the value of this innovative approach, demonstrating its potential to lead the construction industry towards more efficient, error-free and economically viable BIM projects.

Project contributions

This work advances knowledge on building information modeling (BIM) coordination by introducing an innovative methodology, in particular a rule-based system. By integrating real-world insights gathered from industry experts, this research enriches academic understanding and empirical evidence of BIM coordination. From the industry’s point of view, this research offers practical and valuable solutions. The implementation of the rule-based system in BIM design tools represents a new approach that directly benefits industry practices. It reduces errors, streamlines workflows and saves considerable amounts of time. It’s important to note that substantial savings can be made, which has an impact on all stakeholders, including construction companies and project owners. In addition, the emphasis on strengthening collaboration between multi-disciplinary teams is invaluable for improving project results and the working environment as a whole. In short, this research acts as a bridge between academic theory and the practical needs of industry, bringing advances in knowledge for academics and real-world solutions for the construction industry.

Research team

The project team :

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Partners : Pomerleau , TBC.

The project team


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