We strive to offer high-quality courses designed to meet the needs of the construction industry.

1ᵉʳ cycle courses and programs
BIM and Integrated Design
2ᵉ cycle courses and programs
BIM and Digital Innovation
The DESS in BIM and Digital Innovation, a unique program in Canada, aims to train “agents of change” for the AECO industry. It teaches students all the considerations involved in adopting BIM and digitally transforming an industry that until recently was considered resistant to change. It develops the practices and skills needed to lead and manage projects implementing new approaches, technologies and strategies that are at the forefront of the industry. Students have the choice of completing either a short program (5 courses), a Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées (D.E.S.S.) (10 courses), or taking several of these courses as part of the Maitrise en Génie de la Construction. Completion of the Short Program or DESS gives the necessary qualifications to obtain level P2 of the professional certification of CanBIM.
L he DESS in BIM and Digital Innovation, a unique program in Canada, aims to train ‘agents of change’ for the AECO industry.
Graduate courses and programs in BIM and Digital Innovation are taught in collaboration with lecturers who have industry-leading experience and expertise.
Frequently asked questions
For any questions other than those listed below concerning GRIDD’s teaching, please contact us.
What sets GRIDD apart in terms of teaching?
GRIDD offers one of the of the only programs specifically geared on BIM and digital innovation in construction in Canada. Lhe program focuses on an apprenticeship practice, enabling students toes and students from developsr highly sought-after skills in the industry. In addition, GRIDD members teach the BIM and PCI fundamentals in Bachelor of Construction Engineering courses. This program and these courses are part of the mission of the GRIDD to transform through teaching and research.
When should I apply?
At ÉTS, there are two start dates per academic year for Bachelor of Engineering programs. You can start your program in early September (fall session) or early January (winter session).
Applications for admission must be submitted online by the following dates:
- May1st for September registration
- October1st for January registration
When do I have to pay my tuition fees?
You must respect the tuition payment deadlines indicated for each session in which you are registered. If the minimum amount shown on your billing statement is the full amount, you must pay it on the first payment date.