Gabriel Jobidon

Assistant Professor (LL.B, MBA, M.Sc., LL.D.)

Department of Construction Engineering, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (ETS)

About me


Gabriel holds a doctorate in law from Université Laval, a master’s degree in environmental management, a master’s degree in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in law from Université de Sherbrooke. He has worked on numerous public infrastructure projects, both as an employee of public agencies and as a consultant. He specializes in construction tenders, with an emphasis on alternative construction methods. He is particularly interested in relational and collaborative contracts such as Integrated Project Management and Alliance.

Construction methods cover the planning, design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the infrastructure. While clients have historically turned to traditional methods (general contracting), they are increasingly turning their attention to alternative methods (CC, CCF, CCFE, CCFEE) or collaborative methods (management, integrated project management). In collaboration with our industry partners, we participate in the evolution of these modes, in the determination of best legal and commercial practices, and in the evaluation of their performance.

The Quebec legislative and regulatory framework applicable to construction projects is particularly concerned with issues of corruption, collusion, integrity and compliance. Without minimizing these issues, the fact remains that questions of effectiveness, efficiency, value, quality and environmental performance have been neglected. With our partners, we are working to ensure that this framework evolves to deliver high-performance infrastructure, and that it meets broader societal objectives, such as responsible procurement, or the quest for resilience and adaptation to climate change in the standards of different levels of government.

The grass is always greener next door… but not always! Comparison is a method of legal research that enables us to criticize our own rules. Confrontation with other economic and cultural realities allows new practices to emerge.

Relational contract theory seeks to foster long-term collaboration between the parties involved in a contract. The latter is based on mutual trust and flexibility, to minimize sources of conflict and the unforeseen events that are bound to arise in the course of the relationship. This vision is opposed to that of so-called transactional contracts. This type of agreement is based on “discrete” transactions, i.e. transactions that are not part of a past history and with no consideration for future relationships. In short, a unique offer entails hidden costs, known as “transaction costs”, such as legal and financial fees.


The prof. Jobidon is responsible for the courses following :

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