About this event

Lean and BIM are two main drivers, breaking the wall of incremental changes in construction industry practices, and pushing for a paradigm shift. Paradigm shifts require creating aggressively new knowledge for practice and discarding obsolete knowledge. This role should pertain to the academia; to conduct relevant research and to set the pace for technological and practice innovations. However, traditional management and engineering research methods and knowledge transfer approaches seem to be ill adapted to support the accelerating pace of change.
New interventionist methods are now proposed to fill this gap. Design science, action research, participative design science/action research and clinical approaches are now part of the toolbox of a researcher in Construction Engineering/Management to capture, formalize and transfer new practice knowledge. Interventions need to appropriately consider business processes and environment, and ways to induce changes, actions that are highly influenced by social phenomena. Thus, there is a clear need and opportunity for a social science perspective in this context.
The ambition of the workshop is to discuss and clarify the following: How researchers in Construction Management/Engineering should position themselves regarding the context or set of activities s/he aims to transform or influence? Which social science approaches and methods are effective and useful in this context?
The workshop consists of keynote speakers, presentations by researchers (about 30 min each) and presentations by PhD students (about 15 min each).
Important Dates
- November 16, 2017: Deadline for abstract submission
- November 30, 2017: Notification of acceptance
- December 1, 2017: Deadline for registration
- December 15, 2017: Deadline for cancellation
- January 8-9, 2018: Workshop
- January 10, 2018: Social events
Abstract submission
Please submit your presentation abstract on two pages by November 16, 2017 via email to Conrad Boton. It is expected that presenters will share their presentation material. A written paper or summary of the presentation is optional. All accepted presenters will be notified and automatically registered as workshop participants, unless they cancel their participation before December, 15 2017.
Agenda / Program
To see the planned presentations and workshop topics, please consult the online agenda.
Venue & Accommodation
The event will be held on January 8 and 9, 2018, at the University of Huddersfield: Oastler Building, Queensgate, Huddersfiled, HD1 3DH, UK. The event is hosted by the Innovative Design Lab, Department of Architecture and 3D Design, School of Art, Design and Architecture. See also the "important dates" section further below.
For accommodation and further details about the venue, see this page.
Attendance to the workshop is £40 per person. Workshop dinner will be organised and its price is an additional £35 per person. You can register with these links:
- Workshop only (£40)
- Workshop + dinner (£40 + £35)
- Dinner only (£35)
Organizing committee
The workshop is organised by the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) in collaboration of the School of Art, Design and Architecture of the University of Huddersfield.
Chair of the workshop: Professor Daniel Forgues, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Canada
Advisory board:
- Professor Patricia Tzortzopoulos, University of Huddersfield, UK
- Professor Lauri Koskela, University of Huddersfield, UK
- Professor Arto Kiviniemi, University of Liverpool, UK
- Dr. Hannele Kerosuo, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Professor Conrad Boton, École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada